Determine LED Current Draw #9

opened 2023-05-25 02:39:12 +00:00 by engineerjoe440 · 0 comments

We need to determine the current draw of the LEDs. To do this, it'll be best to have all of the LEDs at full brightness using all Red, Green, and Blue. This will consume the most energy, and be our best chance of consuming the greatest ammount of current.

We need to determine the current draw of the LEDs. To do this, it'll be best to have all of the LEDs at full brightness using all Red, Green, and Blue. This will consume the most energy, and be our best chance of consuming the greatest ammount of current.
engineerjoe440 added this to the PCB Prototype No. 1 milestone 2023-05-25 02:39:12 +00:00
engineerjoe440 added the
labels 2023-05-25 02:39:12 +00:00
lukeg was assigned by engineerjoe440 2023-05-25 02:39:12 +00:00
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